
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Oprah Winfrey Tops Forbes Celebrity rich list

Oprah Winfrey returns to the top of Forbes’ annual Celebrity 100 ranking of the most powerful celebrities after two years in second place. She leads a female-dominated top 10 that includes Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna, Taylor Swift and Ellen DeGeneres.Unlike most FORBES lists, which are based on earnings or net worth, our annual Celebrity 100 takes a stab at measuring that most ephemeral of riches: fame. Yes, we factor in celebrity earnings over the last 12 months, but we also tally how often each celebrity is mentioned in print and on TV, and gauge the strength of their Internet presence and how they’re viewed by a critical constituency: American consumers.While she wasn’t the highest earner on our list, her money, mixed with strong fame scores in metrics like press mentions and social networking power, pushed her to the top.

(Earnings from May 2012-2013)

1. Oprah Winfrey $77m
2 Lady Gaga $80m
3 Steven Spielberg $100m
4 Beyonce $53m
5 Madonna $125m     .........Read more to see the top 20 full list

6 Taylor Swift $55m
7 Jon Bon Jovi $79m
8 Roger Federer $71m
9 Justin Bieber $58m
10 Ellen DeGeneres $56m
11 Hugh Jackman $55m
12 Jennifer Lopez $45m
13 Rihanna $43m
14 Coldplay $64m
15 Tiger Woods $78m
16 LeBron James $60m
17 Simon Cowell $95m
18 Katy Perry $39m
19 David Beckham $47m
20 Robert Downey Jnr $75m

Culled from Forbes

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